Saturday, December 01, 2007

best deal on standby generator

power max generatorBriggs & Stratton 200 Amp Automatic Transfer Switch with Service Entrance Disconnect and ACCM #71011

Mon, 29 Oct 2007 20:43:36 GMT
Designed for reliability against back feeding to the utility lines during an outage, the Briggs & Stratton 200 Amp automatic transfer switch features a service entrance disconnect and ACCM (AC Power Control Module). With the ability to run up to a 4-ton air conditioner, a sump pump, a pool pump, and a hot-water heater in addition to lights, TVs, a microwave, a freezer, refrigerators, a garage door opener and a security system when using this transfer switch with a 12,000- or 15,000-watt standby generator, the switch is able to supply power to all circuits of your home or small business and automatically manages the critical loads. Custom made exclusively for Briggs & Stratton Power Products standby generator systems, the switch reduces the overall energy cost by giving you the power you need exactly when you need it. The switch is adequate for either indoor or outdoor installation for added versatility.


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